Six Ways to Keep Your Stress Levels Low


Life can be pretty stressful. I think most of us can agree on that. Stress can have negative affects on your mood, your happiness level, your relationships, and even your physical health. But there are ways to lower your stress that are within your reach, and are totally free. If you can start to incorporate some of the ways to beat stress listed below, you’ll feel better and everything else will follow.

I was at a sangha with some friends and the concept of being present was the topic of conversation that evening. We used washing dishes as an example of resisting something you just don’t want to do, but then accepting it and being present to nothing else except doing the dishes, and how the whole exercise of being present can make doing the dishes actually pleasurable. So the next time I did the dishes, I chose to be present, and you know what? I did enjoy doing the dishes.

I started bringing that into other aspects of my waking life. I have started to slow down and be intentional with what I am doing. I break far fewer glasses that way (usually knocking them off the counter accidentally). I have stopped multi-tasking, which is a tall order for me because I would pride myself on how many things I can do at once. Truthfully, I never really got more done, just the same amount but with more stress on top of it, and I wasn’t even mentally there for most of the process. Choosing to do one thing at a time made each task a journey that I was able to fully ingest, and it kinda slowed time down a hair. And I know for myself, time is racing by so fast, I am happy to slow it down at all.

Here is a list of things you can implement in your daily routine to help you take off the pressure, become more present while on this journey, and possibly even slow down time just a little.

Create Your Sanctuary

Dedicate one place in your home for peace and quiet and relaxation. It doesn’t have to be large, just free of distractions, including children and pets, and keep it just for this.

Shorten your To Do List

There will always be something to do, so take small bites! Try this: make 2 lists, one for short term tasks, another for longer term projects. Only work on one long-term project at a time.

Honor Your Boundaries

Setting boundaries can ensure that relationships can be mutually respectful, appropriate, and caring, and set the basic guidelines of how you want to be treated.

Get Better Sleep

Getting more quality sleep can help you stabilize your mood, lose weight, reduce inflammation and improve your memory. It’s best to shoot for 7-9 hours each night.

Eat Well

When you eat a consistent diet of nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory foods, it can help counter the impact of stress by shoring up the immune system and lowering blood pressure.

Simplify Your Home

Making your home clean, attractive, and free of clutter can improve your mood and make your time at home a pleasure. This is your personal safe place, create what you love!